The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Season 1 is a show on Netflix, where ancient prophecies and legendary knights converge in a magical and dangerous land. The story follows the Sins, once celebrated heroes accused of treason against Britannia. Led by Princess Elizabeth, they unite to clear their names and face potent foes like the Holy Knights who have seized control of the kingdom. Along their quest, they unravel mysteries, confront their pasts, and strive to fulfill their destinies while protecting Britannia from looming threats.
Dive into the action-packed world of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Season 1 (Part 1) Recap below.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Season 1 (Part 1) Recap
The Seven Deadly Sins used to be a group of knights in Britannia who disbanded after accusations of plotting against the Liones Kingdom. The Holy Knights supposedly defeated them, but rumors said they survived. Ten years later, the Holy Knights seized power in a coup, capturing the king and ruling oppressively. Princess Elizabeth then sets off to find the Seven Deadly Sins and seek their aid in reclaiming the kingdom.
The first of the Seven Deadly Sins we meet is Meliodas, known as the Sin of Wrath and the former captain of the group. Despite his wanted poster, he looks like a teenage boy with blond hair. When he meets the princess, it’s revealed he’s a terrible cook and misbehaves, a trope that’s frustrating for many anime fans. Meliodas is much older than he appears and has a hidden dark power that emerges when he’s in trouble. By the end of the first half of the season, this power is hinted to be demonic, as indicated by Ban’s reaction.
Next, we encounter Diane, the Sin of Envy. She belongs to the Giant’s Clan and stands over 30 feet tall, causing most people to flee at the sight of her. Diane is in love with Meliodas, but he doesn’t seem to feel the same way. She becomes fiercely angry whenever he shows affection towards another woman.
Next, we meet Ban, known as the Sin of Greed, who has a tragic backstory. Ban fell in love with Elaine, the guardian of the Fountain of Youth. Initially seeking immortality from the fountain, he learned it would harm the forest and chose to stay with Elaine instead. They were later attacked by a demon, who revealed that Elaine was King’s sister.
King, also known as Fairy King Harlequin and the Sin of Sloth. He was the last member we met in the first half of the season. He left his sister to guard the fountain centuries ago while he searched for his best friend. Upon discovering her death, he blamed Ban and swore to track him down. Despite his wanted poster depicting an older, overweight man, King’s true appearance resembles a young boy’s in a hooded sweatshirt.
The Deadly Sins Face New Threats and Mysteries Unfold
As the group gathered, they faced numerous Holy Knights determined to stop them from reuniting the Sins. King and Ban resolved their differences after discovering the truth about King’s sister’s death. However, they struggled against the new generation of knights who used demon blood to enhance their magic.
With only King possessing his sacred treasure, they decided to find the others, starting with Diane’s hammer. They fought at a festival to win it. But the event turned chaotic when a faction of Holy Knights arrived to kill them.
During the chaos, Meliodas was trapped in a mysterious gem and nearly taken away with his sword until Elizabeth’s pleas freed him. However, when he emerged, something seemed off. Ban sensed a familiar darkness in Meliodas, similar to the demon who attacked them at the fountain of youth. What has happened to Meliodas?
Bottom Line
Explore the recap of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse season 1 (part 1). We witness the reunited Sins facing off against enhanced Holy Knights using demon blood. Resolving past conflicts, they seek sacred treasures, starting with Diane’s hammer. Their plans are disrupted at a festival by rogue Holy Knights, where Meliodas becomes entangled in a mysterious gem. Upon his release, troubling changes suggest a more profound mystery unfolding.