The show “Heels” will be on Netflix starting September 15. The series, which originally aired on Starz but was canceled after two seasons in September 2023, will have both seasons available on Netflix on that date. Netflix had announced back in April that they got the rights to stream the show. “Heels” first premiered on Starz in 2021, with the second season coming out in 2023.
This is great news for fans of the show, which tells the story of pro wrestlers in the Duffy Wrestling League, a small wrestling group in Georgia. Jack Spade, played by Stephen Amell, took over the league from his dad. Now, he’s doing his best to keep it running and make it even better.
The show also featured a great cast, including Alexander Ludwig, Chris Bauer, Mary McCormack, Kelli Berglund, Allen Maldonado, Trey Tucker, Robby Ramos, Alice Barrett Mitchell, Roxton Garcia, David James Elliott, Joel Murray, and CM Punk. Mike O’Malley, who was the showrunner, played the role of Charlie Gully, a competing promoter.
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Michael Waldron created the series and was one of the executive producers. Alongside Waldron and O’Malley, Christopher Donnelly, Pete Segal, Patrick Walmsley, and Julie Yorn also worked as executive producers. The show was produced by Lionsgate Television.
Like with other shows, if “Heels” becomes popular on Netflix, there’s a chance they might make a deal with Lionsgate for a third season. However, this would be challenging because many cast members have other commitments. For example, Stephen Amell is already lined up to star in the new NBC show “Suits: LA,” which was approved in July.
“Heels” will arrive on Netflix just before WWE’s “Monday Night Raw” makes its debut on the platform in January 2025. The deal for “Monday Night Raw” is huge, worth $500 million a year for 10 years, totaling $5 billion. Netflix can choose to back out after the first five years or extend the deal for another 10 years.
Source: Variety