Netflix’s live-action series adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” has announced new cast members for its upcoming Season 2. The additions include Chin Han, Hoa Xuande, Justin Chien, Amanda Zhou, Crystal Yu, Kelemete Misipeka, Lourdes Faberes, and Rekha Sharma, each known for roles in various popular films and shows.
Han will play Long Feng, the leader of the secret police in Ba Sing Se, called the Dai Li, from the original “Avatar” cartoon. Xuande will play Professor Zei, the head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University, who was obsessed with finding Wan Shi Tong’s Library.
Chien will play King Kuei, the ruler of the Earth Kingdom. Zhou will be Joo Dee, a guide who helps important visitors in Ba Sing Se. Yu will play Lady Beifong, Toph’s mother. Misipeka will be The Boulder, a wrestler who uses earthbending. Faberes will take the role of General Sung, a top commander in the Earth Army. Sharma will play a new character named Amita.
It’s worth mentioning that the live-action series has already changed certain characters and parts of the story, so these characters might not be the same as they were in the original cartoon.
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The new cast members will join returning actors Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley, Dallas Liu, Elizabeth Yu, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Daniel Dae Kim, Momona Tamada, and Thalia Tran. It was also announced earlier that Miya Cech will join the cast as Toph Beifong.
The live-action series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is being made by Netflix and Nickelodeon. Netflix has already decided to continue the show through Season 3, which will finish with the “Book of Fire,” just like in the original cartoon.
Jabbar Raisani and Christine Boylan are the primary producers and lead the series. Albert Kim, who created the live-action version, is also a main producer, along with Dan Lin, Ryan Halprin, and Brendan Ferguson.
Source: Variety